“Calico Queen”

CALICO QUEEN     The year is 1864, the bloodiest year of the Civil War. The Confederacy is desperate for gold. The army needs munitions and food. And there is gold in Virginia City.
Gold mines and miners. Miners and prostitutes.

Katie McKenna’s husband left her at the altar so he could travel west and search for gold. Follow Katie as her wagon train leads her across the country into adventure as she travels to join Frank. But along the way, she faces more than just the trail’s disasters that strike without a moment’s notice. She finds her heart engaged in a battle over two very different men. And neither one is her husband!


Available for Sale June 15, 2015.



Chapter 1

Captain Michael Storey had led his men through the rough mountain terrain throughout the night in order to escape the heat. He had slept on rocks for over thirty days and there was still no sign of treaty-breaking Paiutes. He grabbed his canteen and gulped the last few drops of stale water. He was hungry, tired, and thirsty. He longed for a real bed. He urged his horse over the crest of the hill and abruptly yanked on the reins.

He stared as she rose from the mountain stream in naked glory. The sunrise, barely over the horizon, haloed her slender outline. He shook his head, but the view remained unchanged. He’d heard thirsty men had strange visions, but he thought they only imagined pools of water. His pool contained a nymph. He pulled off his leather gloves, mopped the sweat from his forehead, and grinned.

Rounded curves sat atop slender thighs. She lifted her hands and captured her long, red tresses. Water dripped from her elbows as she rapidly plaited curls in an effort to restrain the wildness. She turned just enough for him to glimpse lush breasts instead of only imagined shadows.

A bolt of lust shot straight to his pelvis and his loins flamed with the sudden desire to mount the magnificent sprite. He swallowed a groan and shifted uncomfortably on his saddle. His horse whinnied with the movement.

Aware that she was no longer alone, Katie ran to the rocks where her clothes lay to catch the fresh air and dry after being washed. She hastily donned her damp chemise. Her skin chilled with the contact and her nipples pushed through the thin cotton. It fact, her whole body had become one huge goose bump and she shivered.

She reached for her blouse, but contacted a warm masculine hand instead. She turned to run back toward the wagon train, but was captured from behind. Strong arms wrapped around her waist. She kicked out and wrenched away, but her freedom was short-lived. She immediately found herself face down on the rock-strewn, sandy bank with a heavy weight holding her in place. Her scream was stifled by a large, calloused hand.

Despite the fact that her heart beat a tattoo in her chest, she tried to take a deep breath. She squeezed her eyes shut and a tear ran down her cheek. Judging by the burning over her left eyebrow, she had probably cut herself. Panic gnawed at the edge of her rational mind, while her short life and a long list of regrets flashed through her brain.

But the one thought that stood out the most was that her mother had been correct.

She was going to die.

Reader Comments from Carolyn E. in Houma

I finished reading the most wonderful book that I have read in a long time. The title is “Calico Queen” by Ann B. Cantrell. I began reading it last night, and didn’t want to put it down. I finished it this morning as soon as I woke up. She is not a famous author, but I enjoyed this book as much or maybe even more than books I’ve read by Nora Roberts, Fern Michaels, James Patterson and other famous authors. I’m sure you can buy one on Amazon or at Southdown Market Place the first Saturday in November.
I hope all my friends enjoy it as much as I did. Awesome!!!

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